Direct/Indirect Narration....Imperative Sentences

Direct/Indirect Narration:-

Imperative Sentences:-           حکمیہ جملے

  • Use of "To clause"
  • Sentence contains order, request, or advice.
  • After "to" in indirect tense always use the first form of the verb.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Help the poor".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to help the poor.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Do not tell a lie".

Indirect: Islam forbade us to tell a lie.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Get the education".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to get an education.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Do not tease others".

Indirect: Islam forbade us to tease others.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Love the children".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to love the children.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Say your prayer in time".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to say our prayer in time.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Respect your parents and grandparents".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to respect our parents and grandparents.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Do the good deeds".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to do good deeds.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Speak politely".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to speak politely.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Do not quarrel".

Indirect: Islam forbade us to quarrel.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Plant the tees".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to plant the trees.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Help others with money, food, and cloth ".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to help others with money, food, and cloth.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Do not steal from anyone".

Indirect: Islam forbade us to steal from anyone.

Direct: Islam said to us, "Work honestly".

Indirect: Islam ordered us to work honestly.

Direct: I said to her, "Believe in Almighty Allah and never believe in superstitions". 

Indirect: I advised her to believe in Almighty Allah and never believe in superstitions.

Direct: She said to me, "Please listen to me". 

Indirect: She requested me to listen to her.

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