Active Voice / Passive Voice....Future Indefinite Tense Conversion

Active Voice / Passive Voice

Future Indefinite Tense Conversion:

👉 I shall drive a Cream car.
A Cream car will be driven by me.
👉We shall drive Cream cars.
Cream cars will be driven by us.
👉He will drive a Cream car.
A Cream car will be driven by him.
👉They will drive Cream cars.
Cream cars will be driven by them.
👉You will drive a Cream car.
A Cream car will be driven by you.

Negative Tense Conversion:-

👉 I shall not drive a Cream car.
A Cream car will not be driven by me.
👉We shall not drive Cream cars.
Cream cars will not be driven by us.
👉He will not drive a Cream car.
A Cream car will not be driven by him.
👉They will not drive Cream cars.
Cream cars will not be driven by them.
👉You will not drive a Cream car.
A Cream car will be driven by you.

Interrogative Tense:-

👉 Shall I not drive a Cream car?
Will a Cream car not be driven by me.
👉Shall we not drive Cream cars?
Will Cream cars not be driven by us?
👉Will he drive a Cream car?
Will a Cream car be driven by him?
👉Will they drive Cream cars.
Will Cream cars be driven by them?
👉Will you drive a Cream car?
Will a Cream car be driven by you?

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